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Clean cooking is an under-appreciated gift. Greenway can help you bring our affordable, reliable and safe clean cooking solution to someone who needs it. It translates into long term health benefits by not having to inhale life-threatening pollutants. Moreover, the food is cooked faster and tastes exactly the same!


Not only that, this would also help you offset your individual carbon footprint! Greenway stoves offset between 1.5 to 3 tonnes of CO2 emissions over a year, which is equivalent to 7 round trips between Mumbai and Delhi.


Do you know someone who would benefit from this? If yes, this is your chance to show you care about how they cook! Through our Gift-a-Stove initiative, we are here to make sure your thoughtful gift reaches your loved ones. If you want to gift clean cooking to someone in need but don’t have anyone in mind, leave it to us! Through our large partner network, we will make sure that your valuable contribution makes a household free from household air pollution and the health hazards that it brings. We will notify you about the family that receives your gift along with a picture and a shout out on social media!

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